Students in Guiyang
A unique approach with unparalleled opportunities

The Levinson Program in China and Asia-Pacific Studies

The Brittany and Adam J. Levinson Program in China and Asia-Pacific Studies offers a unique approach to the study of contemporary China through a set of courses on China's language, history, politics, economy, society and foreign relations, and by providing students with experience both on-and-off campus, including three years in Ithaca, one optional semester in Washington D.C., and one required semester in Beijing.

Program News

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Guandong waterfall

Off-campus Learning: Beijing and Washington, D.C.

The Levinson Program major in China and Asia-Pacific studies gives students experience both on and off campus, including one required semester in Beijing and one optional semester with Cornell in Washington, during which students participate in internships and cultural immersion. This unique and ambitious program offers CAPS majors unprecedented pre-professional training mapped onto a solid Cornell liberal-arts education.

learn more about our off-campus experience

Beijing skyline at sunset

Career opportunities with the Levinson Program

With three years of intensive Chinese language training, internships in Beijing, and the option to complete additional internships in Washington, D.C., Cornell graduates with a major in CAPS are well suited for entry- or higher-level positions in consulting, journalism, law firms, businesses, financial services, NGOs, diplomacy, and other government and public service agencies. An undergraduate CAPS degree also readily prepares one for graduate studies in law, business, and other disciplines with a focus on China. 

Learn more about our career opportunities.


CAPS 4001 Travel Journals:  Learning Beyond the Classroom

Wendy Chen '19:  Field Trip to Dunhuang, Gansu Province 甘肃省, 敦煌市 Fall 2017

"Walking in the sand was incredibly tiring, each step was extremely taxing on the body, but it was so worth it.  The eight of us got into sledding tubes that were linked to each other and down we go. I cheered as the adrenaline pumped through me, as the wind whipped my hair back, as the small individual grains of sand pelted my face and lodged itself into every single exposed surface of my body and clothes. Still, it was an amazing ride that was much too short for my (and some other people's) liking, inciting cheers of 'one more time!' and 'let's do it again!' as we got off our tubes and tried to shake the sand off of us to no avail."

For all CAPS 4001 travel journals, click here. 
